Prince William’s RAF Decision Means Royal Marriage Soon Or Not At All

The decision of Prince William to spend the next five years as a full-time RAF helicopter search and rescue pilot appears that he and Kate Middleton will either marry soon, or not marrying at all.

Prince William

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Kate Middleton’s Royal Tumble In Charity Party

Kate Middleton, seems to put a lot of effort as an organizer of a disco charity event, lands flat on her back yesterday on a roller disco dance floor.

Kate Middleton

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Kate Middleton’s Disco Dress For Charity Event

Kate Middleton, who wore short shorts and black boots, was the organizer of a charity roller disco. Her little disco dress up was for a worthy cause, which is a charity, set up in memory of an old school friend.

Kate Middleton

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Queen Wants Kate Middleton To Shed Her “Workshy” Image

The Queen, who was concerned that Prince William’s girlfriend Kate Middleton has been without a job for some time and is perceived to be doing nothing other than socializing and waiting for the Prince to propose, has suggested that the brunette beauty should involve with charity work.

Kate Middleton

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