Miley Cyrus had a great time while exploring Colombia with Liam Hemsworth during her Gypsy Heart tour.
miley cyrus lyrics
Miley Cyrus Was Puzzled On Twitter Blocking Her As A Trend
Miley Cyrus is currently hovering around the 975,000 follower mark, and is trying very hard to up her number.
Miley Cyrus Wore Denim Shorts In 21+ Hollywood Hotspot
Miley Cyrus wore tight denim shorts and a black crop top in Voyeur, which is 21s Hollywood club.
Miley Cyrus Was Spotted Leaving Newsroom Cafe
Miley Cyrus was spotted while leaving the Newsroom Cafe after a late lunch meeting on September 28.
Miley Cyrus’ Youtube Video Cleared Rumors
Miley Cyrus recorded a ten-minute video on Youtube to clear the rumors, including romance and plastic surgery.
Miley Cyrus Allegedly Hit A Parked Car
Miley Cyrus was accused of being involved a hit and run accident after hitting a parked car.
Miley Cyrus Reunited With Liam Hemsworth?
Miley Cyrus spent a day with former beau Liam Hemsworth in Studio City, CA on September 11.
Miley Cyrus’ Group Picture At A Fountain In Paris
Miley Cyrus posed with L.O.L. co-stars in a group picture at Trocadero Fountain in Paris on September 6.
Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth Recently Split
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have split as a representative for the actor confirmed the [split] is true.
Miley Cyrus’ More Mature Role In New Film
Miley Cyrus has more mature role, which includes sexual and flashes her Brazilian wax in her new film, “LOL: Laughing Out Loud.”
Miley Cyrus’ Secret Behind Her Perfect Movie Kiss
Miley Cyrus talked about her secret behind her perfect locking lips while the cameras are rolling.