If anyone is wondering what was going through Britney Spears’ head during her erratic era, you are not alone — so does she.
Video Music Awards
Nicole Richie Reportedly Moved Out Because of Mischa Barton?
Nicole Richie has reportedly packed her bags and moved out of the house she shares with Joel Madden, according to a report.
Jonas Brothers Talk Girls, Dating & Chastity Vows
Jonas Brothers, who has sparked speculation that the Disney bosses were affected with their girlfriend rumors, appeared unaffected with last week’s digs by Russell Brand and they could not stop from talking about their strict no dating policy.
Katy Perry Gets ‘Married,’ Will Perform At Video Music Awards
Katy Perry, who sings the controversial song “I Kiss The Girl,” looks as if she’s not content to just kiss the girls as she donned a sugar pink wedding dress during a video shoot.
Britney Spears’ Life Saved By His Dad
Britney Spears is on the road to recovery after she admitted that she feels better than she has in years. The singer revealed she owes it all to one person: her dad.